Utah Poetry Festival 2024: Poetry & War

Apr 20, 2024, 3:00 pm

From the Mahābhārata and Homer’s Iliad, to Wilfred Owen’s depictions of trench warfare in World War I, to the protest poetry of the 1960s against the War in Vietnam, poetry and war have had a long and complicated history of engagement. With the background of the ongoing and wars in Ukraine, Palestine, and elsewhere, this panel considers the role of poetry in a time of war, which once celebrated war and warriors but more recently has taken up the voice of protest, testimony, and resistance. How do we write about war? Who can write about different wars? What are the moral imperatives and risks? What kinds of poetry are best suited for this task? How do we distinguish poetry from editorializing? Panelists Aiya Sakr, Yulia Hokul, and Gino Sky, moderated by Chris Cokinos.

Please refer to the Utah Poetry Festival website for virtual registration.

A statewide and month-long celebration of Utah’s poets and poetry throughout April 2024. Register to watch virtual events live or stream all events later via the Utah Humanities YouTube channel.

UH Virtual

202 W 300 N
Salt Lake City , UT 84103-1108
Map [+]

Event Contact:

Lisa Bickmore
(801) 957-7522 x4686
