Beehive Archive


Tune in for a two-minute look at some of the most pivotal — and peculiar — events in Utah history! With all of the history and none of the dust, our Beehive Archive radio show is a fun way to catch up on Utah’s past.

Listen to Utah Public Radio (on various statewide frequencies) on Mondays at 3:30pm, Tuesdays at 7:40am and 8:40am, Wednesdays at 9:55am and  7:55pm.

Miss the show?

  • Check out Utah Stories from the Beehive Archive, (or click the radio image above) to search the archive for old and new episode scripts, audio, and sources. 
  • Listen on demand or subscribe where you find your podcasts.

Want to share your community story? Beehive Archive episodes are created in collaboration with local organizations. We invite your Utah organization to partner with us to create an episode — it's a great way to showcase your community stories!

  • Voted Best Mini-Radio Program by the Deseret News!
  • Touted by the SLC History Examiner as #1 in its top 5 podcasts about the past!
  • Featured in the National Endowment for the Humanities Magazine! Click here for the article!
    For more information or to give us feedback on the show, please contact Megan van Frank at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Beehive Archive is produced in partnership with Utah Public Radio, and funded in part by the Lawrence T. and Janet T. Dee Foundation.

