
Changes to Grants: Deadlines and Details

We have made the following changes to our grants program.

Application Process 

  1. All grant applications will be reviewed and awarded by a Grant Review Committee three times a year. The Grant Review Committee will include at least one community reviewer and one student reviewer for each round.  
  2. UH does not have any grant options accepted on a rolling basis. Organizations should plan on applying for their project at least 3 months prior to their start date during the appropriate review period.  
  3. All grantees will fill out the same draft application. Organizations requesting grants of $4,000 or more will be required to hold at least three public events, submit additional materials described in the final application, and agree to provide a participant to serve on a future grant review committee.  
  4. Organizations not awarded in one round are able to apply again for future rounds if the original project application is redesigned to better fit our funding priorities. This is not a guarantee that a revised application will be awarded.   
  5. If all grant funds in early reviews are not awarded, those funds will be awarded in subsequent rounds. 
  6. For colleges and universities: preference will be given to applications that include a community partner. The college/university should provide a letter of intent from their community partner as part of their final application package.  
  7. Oral History Grant application deadlines will continue to be quarterly and reviewed separately in partnership with the Utah Historical Society (formerly Utah Division of State History). Organizations may apply for a Program Grant and an Oral History Grant in the same year. See the Oral History Grant Guidelines for additional information.  

Public Programs 

  1. All organizations requesting funds from UH must hold at least one public program. Any organization requesting more than $4,000 must hold at least three public programs.  
  2. Grant projects involving speakers, lectures, presentations, or panels must be designed so that at least 50% of the event is dedicated to active engagement or discussion with participants.  
  3. UH grants do not fund the creative process of art, theatre, writing, or media production, but we do fund discussions to accompany these activities. Organizations heavily involved with the creative and performing arts are encouraged to explore grant opportunities from the Utah Division of Arts & Museums or the National Endowment for the Arts.  


  1. Organizations may only be awarded one Program Grant and one Oral History Grant per year.  
  2. All grants must be completed within one year of the award date – meaning all events should be scheduled and grant funds obligated within that year. 
  3. All Project Directors of awarded grants are required to attend a half-hour grant orientation Zoom meeting, held within one month of the grant award date.  
  4. Final reports for all grants will be due within one month of the end of the grant period. Any organizations that do not complete final reports will forfeit remaining grant funds and will be ineligible for future funds from any UH program until final reports are submitted. Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis.  
  5. All grantees will be required to submit one high-quality photo and one photo release (per photographer) per funded event held for UH to use in our annual report, website, or promotional materials.  

Deadlines for materials:  

  • Grant agreement and cash request form submitted within one month of the award date. 
  • Events should be entered into our online form at least one month prior to their start.  
  • Final reports are due one month after the grant period end date.  

Upcoming Deadlines

For projects starting on or after November 15, 2024

Draft applications due: Friday, August 30, 2024
Draft feedback sent to applications: September 23, 2024
Final applications due: October 4, 2024
Award notifications sent out no later than: November 4, 2024

For projects starting on or after February 15, 2025

Draft applications due: December 9, 2024
Draft feedback sent to applicants: January 6, 2025
Final applications due: January 15, 2025
Award notifications sent out no later than: February 10, 2025

For projects starting on or after June 15, 2025

Draft applications due: April 7, 2025
Draft feedback sent to applicants: May 2, 2025
Final applications due: May 12, 2025
Award notifications sent out no later than: June 6, 2025

 *Please review all guidelines, instructions, and other documents carefully before contacting UH with questions. These will likely answer most questions. If not, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Grant Writing Support

Use these grant writing tips and video to help you complete and submit successful grant applications:

Grant Writing Tips

Should I Apply for a Grant or a Sponsorship?

Utah Humanities Program Grants

Awarded to not-for-profit partner organizations for community-centered projects that actively engage the general public or specific audiences (i.e. youth, rural, or marginalized groups) in the Humanities.

Oral History Grants

Awarded in partnership with the Utah Historical Society to support local organizations in the collection, transcription, and public presentation of oral histories relevant to Utah. Deadlines and applications for Oral History Grants are separate from UH Program Grants.

Examples of previously funded grant projects are:

  • Southern Utah University: Southern Paiute Language Preservation Initiative
  • Brolly Arts: Evaporation: The Story Of The Great Salt Lake
  • Mormon Battalion Association: Women Who Walked and Waited, Mormon Battalion Storytelling Project
  • Torrey House Press: National Native American Heritage Month Public Programs Series
  • Utah Tech University: Estamos Aquí / We are Here: Latino Voices in St. George, Utah


For events that are designed to convene professionals working in humanities fields for the purposes of networking, professional development, idea exchange, or other activities that enhance humanities work in Utah.

Examples of previously sponsored events are:

  • Utah Museum Association Conference
  • Utah Historical Society Conference
  • Utah Cultural Alliance Culture Connect Conference
  • Railroads in Native America Symposium
  • League of Utah Writers Conferences



Oral History Grants

Updated At-A-Glance Oral History Grant Guidelines

Draft applications are due on March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.
Final applications are due on April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1.
Final notifications will be sent no later than April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15.

UH & UHS staff will provide technical assistance within 3 weeks of receiving the draft and applicants will have an additional week to revise their applications and submit a final application for review. The Oral History committee will meet to review final applications and awards will be communicated within approximately 2 weeks.


Funding for the Collection and Transcription of Oral Histories

The primary purpose of the collaborative Utah Humanities/Utah Historical Society Oral History Program is to collect and transcribe oral histories, deposit the transcripts and tapes, flash drives, or CDs with the Utah Historical Society Library and other public deposition sites (such as local libraries), and make the content of the collected oral histories available to the general public through a live public program.   

The Utah Historical Society aims to leverage this partnership to develop and deepen oral history work on behalf of the Peoples of Utah Revisited Initiative, the Society’s flagship project for Utah250 and America250.

Funding is made possible through the Utah Historical Society and the National Endowment for the Humanities.


  • Grants provide up to $3,000 for oral history research, interviews, and transcription costs.  
  • Deadlines for draft applications are due:
          March 1 for projects starting on or after May
          June 1 for projects starting on or after August 1
          September 1 for projects starting on or after November 1
          December 1 for projects starting on or after February 1.  
  • Deadlines are subject to change.  
  • Projects must be completed in a 12-month period. Extensions may be requested in writing, but are rarely approved.  
  • The program is administered jointly by Utah Humanities and the Utah Historical Society. 

How to Apply

Oral History Grant Guidelines
Submit a Draft Application

Grant Administration Forms for Funded Grant Projects

Project Director Instructions
Fiscal Agent Instructions 
Event Submission Form
Interview Agreement
Product Check Template 
OH Grant Publicity Information 
Utah Humanities Logo
Utah Historical Society Logo
Cash Request Form

Oral History Resources

Please visit the Utah Historical Society’s webpage.

For questions about the Oral History Grant Application, please contact: 

Caitlin McDonald 
Grants Program Officer 
Utah Humanities 
202 West 300 North, Salt Lake City, UT 84103 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

For more information about the Oral History Grant Program, Peoples Revisited, and questions about the creation of Oral Histories, please contact: 

Monique Davila  
Community Engagement Coordinator 
Utah Historical Society 
3760 S. Highland Drive  
Salt Lake City, UT 84106 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   


Program Grants

Funding for Projects Designed to Improve Communities Through Active Engagement in the Humanities

UH Program Grants (up to $8,000) are awarded on a trimester basis for public programs that include active engagement with the Humanities. These projects should demonstrate a wide variety of humanities disciplines and formats and address important community issues. Funds are for large-scale projects and are awarded on a competitive basis after review and selection by review committee of Board and community members.

Funding Amounts

Program Grants are awarded up to $8,000.

Deadlines: FY 2024 Deadlines

For projects starting on or after March 1, 2024

December 15 – Draft applications due
Draft Feedback returned by January 19
Final applications due January 26
Notifications sent by February 19, 2024
Grant events must be completed, and funds obligated by March 1, 2025

For projects starting on or after July 1, 2024

April 15 – Draft applications due
Draft Feedback returned by May 15
Final applications due May 22
Notifications sent by June 17
Grant events must be completed, and funds obligated by July 1, 2025

How to Apply

Please carefully review the compiled guidelines, application questions, and FAQs in the document below before you apply.

Grant Guidelines and Instructions Packet


Draft Application: Apply Now

* The link to the final application will be included with draft feedback.


Instructions and Forms for Awarded Grants

Program Grant Award Handbook
Photo Guidelines and Release Forms
Publicity Guide
Sample Audience Evaluation Form
Link to Enter Grant-Funded Events
Link to Cash Request Form
Link to Final Report Form
Color Logo
B&W Logo

If you have questions after reading through all of the guidelines and instructions, please contact Caitlin McDonald by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Funding for conferences and symposia that strengthen the humanities ecosystem in Utah.

Utah Humanities is proud to sponsor conferences or symposia that convene humanities professionals, scholars, and experts for the purposes of sharing ideas, developing skills, networking, or otherwise enhancing the humanities community in Utah. Eligible applicants include Utah 501(c)3 nonprofit, municipal, or tribal organizations. Organizations based outside of Utah must have a confirmed local community partner to which sponsorship funds will be awarded.

Funding Amounts

Sponsorships are awarded up to $2,000, which cannot exceed 50% of the total event budget. Funding is based on available resources. Awards may be less than the total amount requested.

Funds may not be used for:

• Political action or advocacy
• Receptions, food, alcohol, or entertainment
• Building construction, maintenance, renovation, or preservation
• International travel
• Fund-raising events/products
• Cultural celebrations/festivals


Sponsorship applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applications will be reviewed monthly, and applicants will be notified within 3 weeks of applying. Applications should be submitted at least eight weeks prior to the event.

Utah Humanities requires the submission of a brief report following sponsored events. This report must be submitted within six weeks following the event.

How to Apply

Applicants must be Utah-based, 501(c)3 nonprofit, municipal, or tribal organizations. Organizations outside of Utah must partner with a local Utah organization.

In your application, be ready to:

• Provide your organization’s Unique Entity ID (UEI) number and Federal Tax ID number.
• Provide details about the dates and venue of the event.
• Write a brief narrative about the purpose of the event, including how the humanities are central to the gathering and how attendees will engage in an exchange of ideas.
• Provide brief information about key humanities scholars (plenary and keynote speakers).
• Briefly outline an event budget, including a list of funding sources, including cash and in-kind contributions.
• Agree to appropriately credit UH in all promotion of the event.
• Agree to submit a brief report after the event, reporting on impact, attendance numbers, and total budget, including cash and in-kind contributions.

Apply Now

Application: Sponsorship applications will be made available again in October 2024 for events taking place after November 1, 2024
Publicity Packet
Sponsorship Report Form

If you have questions about sponsorships or eligibility after reading through the guidelines and instructions, please contact Emily Grubby atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
