Utah Poetry Festival 2024: Writing Across Languages 2

Apr 20, 2024, 2:00 pm

This panel continues a conversation begun at last year’s festival, about how poets who read, write, and speak more than one language might use that facility in their own work, and what opportunities writing across languages might offer writer and reader alike. The panel will explore code-switching, translation, transcreation, doubled canons/literary heritages, and more. What possibilities become available when a poet has the resources of more than one language to draw upon? This panel will offer insights and lively conversation. Panelists Sia Figiel, Stacie Denetsosie, Michael Sowder, and Natasha Saje, moderated by Kim Johnson.

Please refer to the Utah Poetry Festival website for virtual registration.

A statewide and month-long celebration of Utah’s poets and poetry throughout April 2024. Register to watch virtual events live or stream all events later via the Utah Humanities YouTube channel.

UH Virtual

202 W 300 N
Salt Lake City , UT 84103-1108
Map [+]

Event Contact:

Lisa Bickmore
(801) 957-7522 x4686
